The Artisans of Collezione

Una fetta di mostarda mantovana su una forchetta, sullo sfondo di un tavolo di legno cosparso di fiori bianchi

Senga Farm

Senga extra mustards and jams are the meeting point between a genuine enthusiasm for the fruits of the Mantua land and the desire to enhance them by preserving the purity...

Senga Farm

Senga extra mustards and jams are the meeting point between a genuine enthusiasm for the fruits of the Mantua land and the desire to enhance them by preserving the purity...

Latteria Sociale Gonfo

Gonfo Social Dairy

Latteria Sociale Gonfo boasts a cheesemaking tradition dating back to the beginning of the last century which is based on a strong bond with the surrounding area. The territory is...

Gonfo Social Dairy

Latteria Sociale Gonfo boasts a cheesemaking tradition dating back to the beginning of the last century which is based on a strong bond with the surrounding area. The territory is...

Grana D'oro

Grana D'oro

In 1936 the Catellani brothers moved with their entire family to a farm in Cavriago, in the province of Reggio Emilia. Here they dedicated themselves to raising about ten heads...

Grana D'oro

In 1936 the Catellani brothers moved with their entire family to a farm in Cavriago, in the province of Reggio Emilia. Here they dedicated themselves to raising about ten heads...

Low Land Brewery

Lowland Brewery

LOW LAND BREWERY is a small farm located in the province of Mantua, born from the passion of Nicola Soldani and Alice Badiali for craft beer.

Lowland Brewery

LOW LAND BREWERY is a small farm located in the province of Mantua, born from the passion of Nicola Soldani and Alice Badiali for craft beer.

Punto Verde

Punto Verde

Azienda Agricola Punto Verde is a family business that grows high-quality organic fruit and vegetables in the heart of the province of Modena. With a strong connection to the territory...

Punto Verde

Azienda Agricola Punto Verde is a family business that grows high-quality organic fruit and vegetables in the heart of the province of Modena. With a strong connection to the territory...